OTHER - Software Policy
All software titles on this website are written by myself. You may use and distribute the software for free, but you are not allow to make a financial profit out of it.
For many projects you can find the source code as well. Please keep in mind some of the software is quite old (up to 16 years). So you might find big differences in coding quality between 2 projects.
Each page with some software contains a green download button. This button will forward you to the download page of each software title. This download page is part of a CMS (Content Management System) I've designed for all the software downloads on this website.
The CMS allows you to view all versions of a certain software title. Only the last version is available for download (I have a limited webspace). The CMS also allows to subscribe to an RSS feed for any of my downloads. You can subscribe yourself to stay informed about new versions of the software.
For many applications the source code is available on this website. You are free to alter it as you please. Any comments about a program will be greatly appreciated.
The software under the 'My Software' page are all downloadable with a setup wizard. This software is no open source as I decided to only release source codes for the electronic projects.
You should run all the software from this website at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from the use of any of my software (hey, it's all freeware!). I can however guarantee all the software was written with great care. I lot of testing is done before a program is released on this website.
You can check out my website with Norton Safeweb.
It states my website is free of any treats:
Bugs and other problems are taken very seriously. They will be solved as soon as possible. You can contact me through my contact form in case you find a bug.
All of my software comes as unsigned software. This causes Windows to show warnings about an 'unknown publisher' when you try to run/install it.
Signed software makes sure you can verify the author of the software: you can see if it is really coming from a certain website, and if it is not altered by hackers. Nothing more. Signed software does not guarantee the software is working properly.
It cost a lot of money (annual fee) to get certificates to sign software. As a hobby developer I can't afford to spend money on it. Remember bvsystems.be is totally free, I earn absolutely nothing with it. I provide the MD5 checksums for each offered download. This offers an alternative way to verify if the software wasn't altered.
Each program is checked with a recent anti virus program. It is delivered in either a zipped file, or a self-extracting executable. I tried to mention the MD5 checksum of each download on my site. You may check the MD5 checksum of my programs when you download one of my programs: It should correspond with the MD5 checksum I mentioned on the download page. If it is the same, it means the download is not altered by hackers. Otherwise you should warn me immediately.
I can recommend these tools to view MD5 checksums:
Copyright ©1998-2022 Vanderhaegen Bart - last modified: February 25, 2020